Mowie Inc. - Terms and Conditions

Third-Party Payments

Mowie does not store any payment information on our servers, and all payment data is encrypted to protect your personal and financial information. The third-party payment gateway we use is fully compliant and adheres to industry-leading security standards to ensure the safety and security of all transactions. By using a third-party payment gateway, we can ensure that your payments are processed quickly and securely, giving you peace of mind when making transactions through our app.

Contractor Background Checks

All contractors working with Mowie, Inc. are subject to a thorough background check. We believe in hiring only the best and most trustworthy contractors to work with our clients. Our background checks include a review of criminal history, driving records, and employment history. We also check for any outstanding liens, judgments, or legal issues. By conducting thorough background checks, we can ensure that our clients are receiving the highest level of service from Pros who have a clean record and a proven track record of reliability and professionalism.

Terms and Conditions